Themes from PKAL

Project Kaleidoscope has developed the following three themes for improving STEM education.

1. Articulating clear goals and outcomes for STEM student learning cross the community that are reflected in how STEM programs and courses are shaped, implemented, and assessed at the institutional level. Also, institutionalizing policies, programs, and practices that nurture, recognize, and reward faculty leaders working to transform the undergraduate STEM learning environment (learning communities, etc.).

2. Shaping the STEM learning environment in ways that reflect research on how people learn - specifically in connecting in- and out-of-class learning experiences, linking on-campus learning to real-world problems, giving students ownership of their own learning, in having a range and richness of research-based pedagogies, and in having course embedded research projects.

3. Linking strengthening undergraduate learning in STEM fields to addressing 21st century issues, challenges, and opportunities - serving liberal learning and science equally creatively.

Visit Project Kaleidoscope at for more information, including a diverse array of resources in support of STEM education.

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